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July 2016

What are the benefits of hiring a professional photographer versus trying to do it yourself?

I was browsing a mobile phone review web site recently and noticed that some of the leading brands now ship with a 23 megapixel camera. While only two-thirds the resolution of today’s top DSLR cameras, it is impressive nevertheless. Reading the review of one particular mobile phone, it described the photos as “… pin sharp, brightly coloured, and full of fine details in both the bright spots and shade. The camera can also be launched and a shot taken faster than with any other mobile device.”

So what are the tangible elements that set the professional photographer apart from the keen amateur?

Examples of cloning and the removal of distracting features from photographs in Adobe Photoshop

We are often asked if we are able to remove certain distracting features from the photographs we have taken. These requests can range from removing contrails from the sky, leaves from a lawn or graffiti from walls, and doing so will often make the difference between a good image and one that really shines and helps to keep the viewer’s attention fixed on the intended subject. Occasionally, we are also asked if we can add features to photographs which weren’t there to begin with, like adding a more attractive sky or digitally ‘seeding’ a new lawn!